Tuesday 23 July 2024

 "My Son's A Queer (But What Can You Do?)"

Written and performed by Rob Madge.
Derby Theatre.

The advisories on the Derby Theatre website states "Contains some swearing, a fair bit of precociousness and scenes of utter joy. May cause happiness!". Tick. Tick and Tick - and we're not talking "Priscilla" here. The last advisory though may need amending because the word "may" is far off the mark, and should be replaced with the words "definitely" and "will".

Now in it's third year, having originated back in 2021 and sold out all dates at the Edinburgh fringe, it's been a non-stop rollercoaster of a success all over the place.

I suppose we've all put on shows for our parents and family in the living room when we were young, as did Rob. Little did they know that this would bloom into a celebrated career later down the line. 

When Rob was 12, they attempted to stage a full-blown Disney parade in their house for their Grandma. Rob put on a wig and played Mary Poppins, Ariel, Mickey Mouse and Belle, their Dad doubled as Stage Manager, Sound Technician and Goofy, but didn't quite get the hang of theatre timings and direction and a few other parts of the Madge magic didn't quite go to plan. By all accounts though, Grandma enjoyed the entertainment.

Now on a bigger stage, WE get to enjoy this, as well as Rob's upbringing and the unconditional love and support he received from their family. Love and support that not every gay or Trans person receives from their nearest and dearest.

The set is like any living room and has a large screen where we get to see home videos of Rob, which show an enthusiastic appreciation of all things Disney, which was obviously the inspiration for their own in house parade. As well as the home videos, which by the way are hilarious as well as incredibly touching, Rob recalls details of his childhood and growing up. It also serves as a guide to any parent who has, or may have children who also may have a slight obsession with Disney, and would like to grow up to be a Disney Princess, as opposed to a Prince. From this snapshot of Rob's family life, he has the coolest and most loving and supportive family ever.

It also reminds us through Rob's natural story telling that lines can be blurred and the things we may have been told, or had been told to other parents and their children, should remain in the past. Everything should not be either pink or blue. So what if your son wants to play with Barbie Dolls and not Action Men, or want to wear earrings and make up as a child. It teaches us that everyone is different and that is what makes the world such a colourful place to live in, and why we should rejoice in what individuals bring to the party. 

Rob has the ability to pull at your heartstrings one moment, and the next have you laughing out loud, sometimes at the most absurd things; but always with great love and affection.

The one thing that I consider most important for any parent is to nurture your child's interests, whatever they may be, and to support and love them whoever and whatever they want to be. Thank goodness that Rob's family provided that love and support, as without it, we may not have the joy of seeing this gorgeous show. 

It is seventy five minutes of flamboyant fun, film clips, a few swear words, some precociousness, a lot of love, happiness and utter joy.

Directed by Luke Sheppard with a brilliantly sparkling music score by Pippa Cleary and Rob Madge.

"My Son's A Queer (But What Can You Do?)" is at Derby Theatre until Wednesday 24 July, and will whet your appetite for Nottingham Pride this coming weekend. Don't miss your chance to see this wonderful storyteller and entertainer on stage.

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