Sunday 7 July 2024

 "End Of Year Showcase" by Nottingham Arts Theatre Youth Group.

Nottingham Arts Theatre.

Reviewing showcases never gets any easier because the vast amount of talent on stage, showcasing what they do. NAT Youth Group gave us forty-two pieces, performed by eighty students, lasting just under three hours; but OMG what a showcase!

As with yesterday's showcase, I'm going to mention as many performances as I can and pass comment on them. Needless to say, any sections I don't mention, does not mean that I didn't enjoy, because the whole evening was superb.

The ladies opened the show with "OmiGod You Guys" from "Legally Blonde", and the energy was maintained all the way through to the electric finale of "Do Your Thang" by Basement Jaxx, which had all eighty on stage, dancing to their heart's content.

There was the usual mix of musical theatre songs and scenes, monologues, dance routines and comedy pieces. Now, I say usual but many of these were not the usual pieces you'd expect. 

"Friend Like Me" from "Aladdin" always makes me smile because of the energy and the fun aspect of the song itself. Sung by Alexander Michael, he gave his own spin on the song with, what sounded like a bit of beatboxing skill in there.

My first surprise was from Isabel Pullen who gave us an extract from Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night".

This was followed by a scene of pure machoism by a group of the lads, being laddish in a piece of physical theatre called "Lads, Lads, Lads!", performed by Jasper, Mack, Giles, Lenny, Mack, James, Reuben, Tony, Alex, Julian, Jacob, Billy & Jack. I am so pleased to see so many young men on stage because as any theatre group will tell you, there's a lack of male actors, and the above weren't all the lads on stage. Hopefully, all of these will continue with amateur dramatics, because there'll always be a need for more male actors, and these are more than capable  of succeeding locally on stage.

"Lost In The Woods" was a wonderfully whimsical piece containing several well-known characters. The whole bunch of young actors were great but I must commend Noah on a very confident and expressive performance, making me smile.

Another surprise was an extract from "Uncle Vanya" performed by Charlotte Fisher and Elizabeth Fitzgerald.

One of my favourite performers was up next, Jamie Adlam ( I still can't believe he is still only fourteen with all that confidence and talent), who was well matched by Zach Silcock and Zilpha Chisholm in a wordy and character driven piece from "Hamilton" called "Washington On Your Side".

Loved the "Peter Pan" extract  featuring Adleigh, Charlie M, Isla, Louis, Patrick, Stella and Teddy.

In the next section, we saw, and heard an example of perfect harmony when Lucy, Chloe C and Eliza performed an absolutely sublime performance of "At The Ballet" from "A Chorus Line".

Then Hattie Campion took the bar up another rung with an absolutely gorgeous rendition of "When It all Falls Down" from "Chaplin". Hattie's voice is incredibly beautiful and gave me chills throughout this piece.

Group 2 performed "13" from "13 the Musical" and the first act came to a close with three extracts from "Newsies", which matched last night's showcase performance and choreography of "Seize The Day".

The second act opened with "Brotherhood Of Man" from the musical "How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying", followed by a really cute performance of "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" from Group 1.

One of my favourite dance routines was "Hide And Seek" performed with great emotion by Charlie C, Charlotte F, Arlo, Hattie, Kate, Connie, Chloe Chapman, Elizabeth F and Olivia.

Another macho performance came in the extract from "Dogfight" in the song "Some Kinda Time".

And then came another absolutely stunning vocal piece from Florence Everitt with her performance of "Quiet" from "Matilda the Musical".

"Electricity" from "Billy Elliott" has always been one of my favourite power tracks from a musical and in this showcase, it combined the singers from Group 1 and a group of dancers.

Jamie Adlam was then back on stage, this time with Giles Briggs, again matching each other vocally and choreographically with "When I Drive" from the musical "Bonnie & Clyde". Both Giles and Jamie really pushed their vocals in this piece, giving a very mature and brilliant character-driven piece.

More comedy followed with "Agony" the song that the two Princes from "Into the Woods" sang. This time around performed by Alex Nickson and Tony Foad.

Who can't fail to smile when listening to "You're Welcome" from "Moana", and especially when delivered by Group 1 featuring Alex Walker.

"Dear Evan Hansen" is very quickly becoming one of my favourite modern musicals and there is an exceptional song in the soundtrack called "Requiem", which was performed on stage this evening by Group 3 featuring Amelie A, Zach and Sara.

As I said at the top of the review, the finale was one that really closed the show with a bang, performed by the whole company.

Talking of which, here goes with the entire cast......

Abigail McGregor, Abigail Newman, Adleigh Chappell-Royce, Alex Nickson, Alex Walker, Alexander Michael, Amelia Scurfield, Amelie Adams, Amelie Burgess, Annie Shepherd, Arlo Perrons, Benjamin Bastern, Billy "Dimples" Kielty, Bluebell McEnfee-Burton, Caithlin Young, Charles Beckett, Charlie Clay, Charlie Merrick, Charlotte Fisher, Chloe Chapman, Chloe Crofts, Cleo sims, Connie Hatchett, Daisy Kemp, Edie McKenzie, Eliza Szejda, Elizabeth Kenny, Ellie Strang, Emeila Pound, Evie dickens, Fergus Hillery, Florence Everitt, Flossie Bailey, Giles Briggs, Harry Merrick, Hattie Campion, Imogen Pullen, Isabel Pullen, Isabella Tattersall, Isla Douglas, Isobel Burchall, Jack Kent, Jacob Holt, James Cragg, Jamie Adlam, Jasper Duff, Josie Hollingworth, Josie Leigh, Joy Clayton, Julian Magda, Kate Russell, Lenny Brady, Leo Capaldi, Liam Brown, Libby Thompson, Lillian Tattersall, Louis Dickson, Lucy Wilson, Mack Afzal, Maisie Fletcher, Maisie Shelley, Martha Kemp, Mia Woodward, Morgan Spencer, Mariah Lindo, Niamh Corah, Noah Shaw, Olivia Bott, Patrick Brannigan, Polly Sibley, Reuben Thrower, Rupert Shaw, Sara Nicholls, Sophie Murphy, Stella Walker, Teddy Hunt, Tony Foad, Zach Silcock and Zipha Chisholm.

And behind every successful show is a group of people who made the evening work......

Youth Co-ordinator is Jessica Royce.

The Tutors are Jessica Royce, Keira Dormer-Hazell, Jonah Williams and Eleanor Carty. The Student Tutors are Chloe Chapman, Arlo perrons, Harriet Champion and Kate Russell.

The stage management this year has really tightened up. This is no easy job but Louis Barnes-Cupit and Gareth Morris have earned their stripes this showcase.

The Lighting Operator is Evie Webster who gave us an exciting lightshow from start to finish, especially in the finale.

There were a few sound issues which plagued the showcase but on the whole George Wilson wrestled the sound desk into submission.

Over the years I've seen many of the above names in shows and showcases and have seen their ascending journey, and seen an increase in male performers plus a whole load of new young faces, some filled to bursting with confidence, cheek and cuteness; perfect role models for those little ones who are growing to love being on stage and growing in confidence and talent. They are in the right place to get that love and growth.

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